Title: A Thrilling Fantasy Adventure Full of Twists, Turns, and Dark Humor
In “Trick of the Night,” the 8th installment of Eric Ugland’s The Bad Guys series, protagonist Clyde Hatchett finds himself forced behind enemy lines, ready to battle slavers, spiders, ghosts, and more in his seemingly never-ending quest to return to his life in Glaton.
Ugland’s writing is as engaging and entertaining as ever, filled with the dark humor, gritty action, and unexpected twists that have become hallmarks of the series. The pacing is brisk and the stakes are high as Clyde, now only a level-four nothing, navigates the darkest corners of Vuldranni, facing off against the Empire-hating Carchedonians, a death cult, and even a traitorous party member.
One of the strengths of “Trick of the Night” is the way it expands the world of the series, taking Clyde beyond his known world and into uncharted territory. Ugland’s world-building is vivid and immersive, filled with fascinating new locations, creatures, and challenges for Clyde to overcome. The introduction of the mythical city that may or may not exist adds an extra layer of intrigue and mystery to the story.
Clyde himself remains a compelling and relatable protagonist, his dry wit and determination keeping him going even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Ugland does an excellent job of balancing Clyde’s vulnerability and humanity with his growing skills and power, making his journey feel both authentic and satisfying.
The supporting cast is equally well-drawn, with both familiar faces and new additions adding depth and complexity to the story. The dynamics between Clyde and his allies (and enemies) are a particular highlight, filled with banter, tension, and the occasional betrayal.
For fans of the series, “Trick of the Night” is a must-read, offering a thrilling new chapter in Clyde’s journey and setting the stage for even bigger adventures to come. For newcomers, while it’s possible to jump in at this point, starting from the beginning of the series is recommended to fully appreciate the character development and world-building.
Overall, “Trick of the Night” is a solid addition to The Bad Guys series, offering a darkly humorous, action-packed fantasy adventure that will leave readers eager for more. If you’re a fan of gritty, unconventional fantasy with plenty of twists and turns, this book (and series) is well worth your time.
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
I’d love to hear from other readers in the Tokybook community. Have you been following Clyde’s adventures in The Bad Guys series? What did you think of the latest installment and the new challenges he faces? Share your thoughts and reactions in the comments below!