Bridge of Sighs

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It is brilliant and funny at the same time the way Richard Russo sees people and the life they spend in a routine pattern. It has been a habit of the writer that he presents an old battle axe instead of talking about the energetic teens like other writers of the era.

We have observed the writer’s deep observation of the old people in Nobody’s Fool and Everybody’s Fool where he talks about a person retired from everything including his married life. Arthur Morey’s narration is slow but is nicely adjusted with the progress of the novel because the story too is not a roller coaster rise. It is a slow and sentimental piece of literature that we listen to in a rhythmic way. Louis known as Lucy in the whole neighborhood is an optimistic sort of a man even in his late sixty he is living with the same wife.

Bridge of Sighs

Though his son is a grown up but still both manages a good relation. Lucy’s mother is still alive and he tries to keep good relation with her too even when she is showing her shrewdness all the time. Lucy plans a trip to his friend who lives in Italy and the real fun begins when he goes out of the shackles of his family bonds.

He wants to be with his friend and outside the four wall of his house because he has been trying to write something out for many years. His house has never been the right place for a writer to write thus the journey to Italy starts that takes him away from his mother and native place. Both Lucy and Sarah experience something strange paper writer on their journey out of their home and the writer has described their feeling with accuracy.



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Nobody’s Fool

15th Affair


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