Dragon’s Oath

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A lot has been said and written about the House of Night, everyone knows for what it stands and who hold supreme in it but origin was kept a secret by P.C. Cast and Kirstin Cast.  Caitlin Davies’ voice gets the honor to take the fans back into the years when the foundation of this might house was laid. All of it began in the 19th century when Bryan was just a teenage lad with a habit of mischief. Bryan Lankford’s father thought of the boy as a constant pain for him so ignoring his talents and abilities he send the boy to America.

They step was actually taken in order to get rid of him for sometime but there the boy got Marked. Dark forces present on the docks also presented the boy an option of two alternate ways one which led to London and the other one to America. Instead of trying to go back to London the boy selected the dragon prowed ship that took him to America. Langford reaches the status of a Sword Master in quick time but this makes life troublesome for him too. Just like Zoey in Marked and Betrayed, Lankford also starts facing the evil at a very early age.

Dragon's Oath

He was never prepared for all of this but his cunningness is still intact to save him and the House from the approaching evil. Anastasia’s fate also depends on him and he is worried about her more than anything else. It is one man against all the odds and although he is not prepared but he is determined to do the impossible for the sake of his position and love of his life.


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