Dungeon Lord: Ancient Traditions

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Factory of nightmares provides secrets for free and anyone who is willing can take it if he can bear it. Edward Wright wants to tame the nightmares as he has been planning something big for the last many parts. We observe him investigating about the origin of different things in Dungeon Lord: Abominable Creatures and perhaps he wants to find the weakness in his enemies. Yet he has not found anything significant but the aims are high like always because the lives of his friends are on the line.

The war is approaching near and still Edward is thinking of defending instead of fighting back and that’s why he wants to go the factory of nightmares that has one of a kind defense mechanism. In the current novel we see an attack from both sides as just when Edward was planning to fight against the Light the Haunt is surrounded by the dark forces who try to drown the whole area under corpses. It looks like the time of hiding is over and if he wants to survive against his accursed enemies than he should adopt the same style.

Dungeon Lord: Ancient Traditions

Hugo Huesca takes us to the war zone in a fancy way and because of the importance of this part we have three narrators. Dorrie Sacks is the new voice the rest of the two Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott are the old battle axe who are there with the series since the launching of the first book. Excellent ending and the background of the story plays a vital role in this fourth part on the events that take place here and there in the book.


Dungeon Lord: Abominable Creatures



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