End of Watch Audiobook: A Novel

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End of Watch: A Novel

Stephen King is the master of storytelling sequels when he intervenes the real-life events with his own created characters and events in his stories. This is the most exciting and thrilling aspect of most of the novels and stories were written by Stephen King and that is why the reader keeps on reading and listening to the continuously developing stories that never let the reader leave them unheard.

This story connects to the characters in Mr. Mercedes and the Finder Keepers including the cop now turned detective named Hodges and Mr. Mercedes named Hartfield along with the women Holly Gibney who smashed the Mr. Mercedes head.

End of Watch: A Novel By Stephen King

The trilogy develops a clearly mesmerizing and jaw-dropping story where you will imagine the three struggling and fighting for their cause. This one is more like a terrifying story that covers the various aspects of how the three would be dealing with the happenings and who will end up with success during the fight.

Narrated by Will Patton this story is a perfect trilogy to enhance the variable conditions they are facing and how they manage to get things the right way.

The story connects to the unfinished end of the story Mr. Mercedes to make sure readers always get to know all the suspense and the horrible moments or to understand things better.


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