Fatal Promise

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Detective Kim Stone Crime Thriller Series, Book 9

This time the story has a link with the previous part of the series as the one who is murdered at the start of the story is Gordon Cordell, the one who helped Kim Stone with the previous case when a school girl was murdered. Gordon used to work in a hospital with enemies of any sort even in his past life, but when he is found dead Kim knows that there are some secrets behind the case as the murder is not an ordinary one, the culprit’s body was in such a bad condition that it was tough to recognize him at first.

Fatal Promise

The team soon find the about the car accident of Gordon’s son with meek chances of survival. As the number of murders increase the team knows that they have to take quick steps on their findings. The trail leads them to the Russells Hall Hospital where Gordon used to work and all the people who are being killed have some relation to this one particular place. The story has a link with the previous volume but the link is in the form of old characters that are again discussed otherwise the story is new and thus the reader would do fine if he hasn’t read the previous chapter of detective Kim’s series.

Angela Marson has created one of the best suspense stories this time and no doubt it surpasses the previous parts like Broken Bones and Dying Truth though they too were masterpieces but there is nothing in them like the present story as the killer is on a rampage and he is not wasting time even on planning or plotting, perhaps he enjoys counting the dead bodies more than anything. Jan Cramer’s tone also is a bit sterner which probably was the need of the whole thing and it is again done to perfection by the narrator.  

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Dying Truth



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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Fatal Promise Section 1
  • 03. Fatal Promise Section 2
  • 04. Fatal Promise Section 3
  • 05. Fatal Promise Section 4
  • 06. Fatal Promise Section 5
  • 07. Fatal Promise Section 6
  • 08. Fatal Promise Section 7
  • 09. Fatal Promise Section 8
  • 10. Fatal Promise Section 9
  • 11. Fatal Promise Section 10
  • 12. Fatal Promise Section 11
  • 13. Fatal Promise Section 12
  • 14. Fatal Promise Section 13

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