Divine Justice

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Oliver Stone was a great leader no doubt and had a strong opinion on every step which the government used to take in the past. But no one ever tried to investigate why the man was so much aware of the surroundings and how he was able to tell so much about the conspiracies in the government. The Collectors and Stone Cold slowly revealed the warrior skills of the man and even the Camel Club started doubting their leader. This side of him was never revealed to any of them before.

Divine Justice

Now he has all of a sudden transformed into an assassin who has killed two of the important men of the government. The only reason to get rid of them was that they knew much about him. But this act does not solve the issue for Oliver Stone because the government now has decided to wipe him out of the face of the world. Joe Knox a specialist in the field is selected by the government for this purpose but he too is not sure that whether the mission is for the land or the people who rule the office.

Knox goes on and we listen to his short monologues in the voice of Ron McLarty as he convinces himself that he should not go against the orders. David Baldacci gives the Camel Club some isolated time in this novel so that they can think that whether they should support their leader under such circumstances or not. Finally, the Club members decide they cannot leave their beloved leader alone and come forward for a fight in the open battlefield.


Stone Cold

Hell’s Corner


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Disc 01
  • 03. Disc 02
  • 04. Disc 03
  • 05. Disc 04
  • 06. Disc 05
  • 07. Disc 06
  • 08. Disc 07
  • 09. Disc 08
  • 10. Disc 09
  • 11. Disc 10

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