Fool Moon

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Harry introduced himself as a wizard who has the license to practice magic in the world openly but he never said that he was the only one of his kind left in the world. There are others like him in the world and not all are in favor of helping the human race. In Storm Front the true face of some of the enemies was unblocked and the world too knows that not all the magicians are using magic to earn a decent living. Jim Butcher takes his newly created hero to the Special Investigation department for job in this second book.

Karin Murphy the one who is leading all the missions of the department too knows the needs of the poor magician and arranges for his bread and butter. But not all the officials of the department think of Harry in the same way, at the same time the danger that is circling over the city approaches nearer.

Werewolves and shape shifting monsters roam on the city streets and all of this is not a good sign for the humans. More fiction and paranormal activities decorate this second part and it can easily be seen that the book has less suspense. Then there are the words of magic that are pronounced by James Marsters in a less accurate manner.

Fool Moon

Most of the time the words are even not clearly pronounced for our ears and a repetition is needed if anyone is interested in the wording. No confusions in the story if we exclude the thing that the real purpose or motive of Harry is not clear, the magician too has no aim he is worried about food and house rent which makes him more of a human.



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Storm Front

Grave Peril


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    1 thought on “Fool Moon”

    1. Really should’ve checked the audio before you uploaded it, the second audio file begins to skip and click towards the end. Distracting.


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