Gulf Coast Reunion

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Georgia carpenter never expected that her aunt would leave a cottage and an inn for her. Moreover, Georgia has realized that she is not the only one whose name is present in the will. There are other relatives too who have joined in one after the other. This has made the job much easier for Georgia because she would never have been able to rebuild the inn on her own.

The family members and the handyman named Travis are working hard to get everything working again. Thus the will of her aunt has also provided Georgia with a family once again, along with a place to live. Soon all of them would be earning as well because the inn is going to be reopened very soon. During these days, Lilly also joins in, who happens to be Georgia’s estranged sister.

Gulf Coast Reunion

Lilly’s character was not introduced in the series by Maggie Miller during Gulf Coast Secrets and Gulf Coast Cottage. This is a new character which means that the story revolves around her and Georgia on this occasion. Georgia wants to tell Lilly that her name has not been mentioned in the will, which means that she does not have any share in the property.

But Lilly has come to the place with a secret that can change things at a quite rapid pace for every family member. For Georgia, it is about family; she doesn’t want to lose anyone, including Lilly. Georgia has lost her family once and does not want to experience the same thing again. Lisa Flanagan, Ryan West, Stephanie Einstein and Nick J. Russo are again working as a team for this part. They had the experience of the previous parts, which has paid off for sure.


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