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Guns Audiobook

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Guns as the name indicates is all about gun violence in America. Stephen King has encountered one of the most sensitive issue that has affected many lives in America. It is for sure guns violence is one of the most serious issue and that has to be handled with care. Due to the ironical story writings, thoughtful discussions and  the comprehensive composition of the story, the topic has been covered very nicely by explaining what guns violence is, how it brings pain and horror around you and how it may affect the life of others in an impactful way.

Guns refers to the America’s one of the biggest problems that is gun violence. You can feel the pain the feelings of terror and life threatening situations in your heart and you may start thinking of what happens when gun violence is in practice. All these things and thoughts make sure to describe the issue in a very comprehensive manner.

Guns By Stephen King

The story has been written to unleash the reality behind the violent use of guns where Stephen King has created a definite plot and created events to show how deadly the weapon is and the way it affects the society by affecting the lives of others and spreading terror onwards.

The story revolves around the unwanted use of guns just like he depicted the use of The Shining in his novel and the The Wind Through the Keyhole: The Dark Tower.


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