I Hear the Sirens in the Street

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Adrian McKinty is back here again with part 2 of the Detective Sean Duffy book series. The audience will definitely have an easy and pleasant experience to connect dots with its prequel and would be an issue, if you start afresh with this sequel only. Once again, just like its prequel, the narration honors have been done by Gerard Doyle and he is equally good as compared with the first part of this novel series.

It looks like an absolutely impossible case to find a torso in a suitcase. Sean Duffy isn’t really discouraged, especially when his love life leaves him. He teamed up with detectives McBride and McCrabban to find the victim.

I Hear the Sirens in the Street

The torso was identified to be of an American tourist who was once part of US military. It was hard to find that what exactly was he doing in Northern Ireland in the year 1982, when the place was having some troubles and not suitable for tourism at that time. The dots connected back to a charming widow in her twenties, who lost her husband by the IRA assassination group a few months before.

Duffy was soon caught with his romantic instincts and he was trying hard to make his way to find the culprit, when the FBI, British Intelligence and paramilitary death squads were all involved in the case.

The other phenomenal books by the great author Adrian McKinty include the likes of, The Cold, Cold Ground and The Chain. These both are quality novels from the award winning author, McKinty and you would definitely feel really inspired after going through his mentioned novels.


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The Chain

In the Morning I’ll Be Gone


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