Prince Lestat

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Seductive and supernatural forces come to the surface once again in this mind arresting eleventh part of Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles. It is a much awaited book as Rice has written about her vampire world after a very long time.

The writer does not add anything new to the world she only carry on with the old style but still that magnetic effect can be felt to the maximum. The vampire world is in trouble at the opening of the novel and the threat is not of a single kind that they face this time.

Prince Lestat

It is the hunters that are being hunted this time and they don’t know what they should do to protect their race. Then there is a voice that is ordering the human race to burn or kill every vampire that they find without any discrimination. There is no such thing as good or bad vampires anymore; every vampire is with a sinister and seductive nature according to the voice. There is a bidding going on as well on the voice as the old vampires want to know who is behind the voice and why he or she is doing this to the vampires who mean no harm anymore.

All the legendary figures of the vampire world that we saw in the other parts of the chronicles like Interview with the Vampire or Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis have been united in this party and this one acts as a bridge between the previous and new portion of the series. The writer has tried to refresh the series in our minds because this part has come in the market after a very long time. It is a good one for the new beginners as well, the narrator Simon Vance has uttered each word with extreme care and in a crystal clear tone so no problem is there if you are having a go for the first time.

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Memnoch the Devil

Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 1
  • 03. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 2
  • 04. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 3
  • 05. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 4
  • 06. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 5
  • 07. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 6
  • 08. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 7
  • 09. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 8
  • 10. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 9
  • 11. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 10
  • 12. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 11
  • 13. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 12
  • 14. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 13
  • 15. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 14
  • 16. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 15
  • 17. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 16
  • 18. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 17
  • 19. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 18
  • 20. Anne Rice - Vampire Chronicles 11 - Prince Lestat (2) Section 19

2 thoughts on “Prince Lestat”

  1. I love Tokybook.. BUT, what’s going on with the program? All of the sudden the website kicks you off… The problem is not with the audiobooks – it’s the website that keeps shutting down completely and making the listener reload everything. Please look into the problem.. Thank you


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