Red Queen

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The world gets divided again in the new series by Victoria Aveyard, this time the division is made by the color of the blood. The world has two categories of people i.e those who have red blood flowing in their veins and then some have silver blood.

The color of the blood was not a big difference but then the people with silver blood started having supernatural powers that made them superior as compared to the other category. The silver elite made the others their slaves very soon and after that, there was no future for them except to serve. Among those slaves or pitiable creatures called the Reds, there is Mare Barrow who is trying hard to keep her family in peace.

Red Queen

All she wants is the necessities of life for her family and for that purpose she feels no shame in stealing things. Suddenly she finds herself standing against the Silver Elite when her best friend is taken by them. Mare reaches the palace of the king for this purpose where she gets the shocker of a lifetime. Although she was not born with silver blood she had a strange kind of power in her like the Silver.

King of the Silver world gets surprised and tries to conceal the reality by making her a part of the royal family. Despite all the welcome and respect Mare cannot control herself from helping the people of her group. Amanda Dolan has done an appreciable work in narration but more improvement is needed during the sentimental scenes. The third and fourth part Glass Sword and King’s Cage takes the story to an entirely new level so don’t miss those if this one makes you addicted to the theme. In those two parts, Mare emerges as a truly heroic figure, the one she never expected to see in herself.

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Red Storm Rising

Glass Sword


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 1
  • 03. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 2
  • 04. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 3
  • 05. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 4
  • 06. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 5
  • 07. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 6
  • 08. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 7
  • 09. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 8
  • 10. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 9
  • 11. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 10
  • 12. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 11
  • 13. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 12
  • 14. Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen 01 - Red Queen - 13

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