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Cinder’s love for prince Kai changed her life; she left the dull life that she used to lead with her stepmother and came to the battle arena. Being an efficient cyborg mechanic she was needed by the outside world in so many ways. Her mission however remained to save the prince at any rate, no matter what happens around her. Not love, rather care at first made her come close to the prince, and then she started liking him in a very quick time.

Because of that love, she performed wonders in Cinder and Winter. Being behind bars at the start of is this book is also because of the same reason. Lunar Queen Levana wants to marry prince Kai, the marriage is a plan to make the prince hostage and take over the land politically. Levana has imprisoned Cinder i.e the only one who could save the prince from the queen’s deadly plan. Along with Cinder, there is another girl in this part named Scarlet.


Scarlet is looking for her grandmother with the aid of a boy called Wolf. She does not like the boy at first because he is a sick guy as regards his habits but then the appeal develops. Together the two instead of getting to the grandmother reach Cinder and the three start one big mission against the lunar queen that happens to be their common enemy.

Marissa Meyer has done it again here in the second part which is launched once again in Rebecca Soler’s voice. A brief, complete, and well-targeted story garnishes the action and suspense of the book even more.

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Odd Thomas



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    3 thoughts on “Scarlet”

    1. Thank You. Several times the audio halted and it was back at the beginning. Took a bit of patience to get back to my chapter. Learned to remember what chapter I was listening to so as to be prepared. However, this was free! I Am quite grateful. Thank You.


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