Shadow Hunter

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No matter what you read or listen to, the Star wars saga never loses its impression and it cannot be left unattended. This is the war between good and evil and the winner will be able to decide the fate of the galaxy. Darth Sidious has the plan to destroy the Republic and this is the only way through which he would be able to take over the galaxy.

Neimoidians are the only hope for Sidious because they can aid him in winning the war of conspiracy and bloodshed. During this time one of the Neimoidian just vanishes into thin air and there is no trace of him left in the area. Sidious is the one who can smell betrayal more quickly than anyone else so he hires Darth Maul to hunt down the one who has betrayed him. Also if the news leaks then the plan on which Sidious has been working for such a long time will be shattered and he does not want all of that to happen at any rate.

Shadow Hunter

The secret is transferred to the information broker Lorn and this makes him the prime target for Maul. On the way, Lorn meets Darsha who happens to be a Jedi and together they must take the secret to those whose fate is depending on it.

Meanwhile, Sidious and Maul want to stop these two characters before the Republic realizes what is going on around it. Michael Reaves is the creator of this book and he is the one who has Star Wars: Clone Wars: Medstar II: Jedi Healer and Star Wars: Clone Wars: Medstar I: Battle Surgeons in stock as well. Sam Witwer’s narration will not allow you to leave the story at any place. This is a race against time and the secret is in the hands of two individuals who might find something common between them.


The Nineties

Path of Deceit


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