Shakespeare for Squirrels

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A unique trilogy comes to the ending point, Pocket after facing many hardships and villains like the pirates comes to Greece where he hopes to find some work. Christopher Moore’s fool has been doing wonders in Fool and The Serpent of Venice and now it is finale time and he instead of serving the Duke’s minister tries to provide him with the much needed advice. Egeus has old thoughts about the marriages of daughters and thinks that the daughter should not disobey his father. But his daughter Hermia has selected for herself a man to wed against her father’s approval.

Shakespeare for Squirrels

For this Egeus seems ready to destroy his daughter’s life by marrying her to Lysander or sending her into the dungeons of nunnery. In all this scenario Pocket lands out of nowhere with a piece of suggestion of his own which was not needed by both the parties but after all this fool is not a fool at all. Here perhaps for the first time Pocket thinks that he has pressed the wrong button and the Duke looks in no mode to let him go.

With Duke’s forces on his tail Pocket runs to Oberon where the king has recently lost his favorite clown. The king wants to know who is behind this hideous crime and hires Pocket for the job after saving him from the death sentence. The offer looked great to the fool perhaps because of the fact that it was the only way that he had to save his skin. Now he finds himself in a bigger issue because there happens to be too many suspects of this single case. Pocket in the end plays the biggest trick of his life and the finale really ends in a superb way in the voice of Euan Morton.


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The Serpent of Venice



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