Six Easy Pieces

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Six Easy Pieces is a grasping novel from Walter Mosley, which has some good things about it to cherish. First, it is another sensational addition to the Easy Rawlins mystery novel series. Then you will again see his detective character surprising you with some great investigative skills that comes in difficult situations as in the storyline of the novel. The pleasant and expressive narration of this novel is given by M. E. Willis, who is one of the best narrators in business.

Six Easy Pieces

Easy Rawlins is living a simple and an apparently very happy life. He must be contended with his job in a local high school as a custodian. He has a lovely little house with a beautiful garden, an adoring wife and then his loving children. All this should make a perfect home, a perfect job and a perfect life for him. But, this was not the case as he was nowhere near to be living a happy life. Although, he was trying hard to leave behind him the L.A. street life, but he always finds himself doing favors. He was indulged in investigating cases of murder, arson and missing people.

People who were not having confidence in the law to resolve their issues, approaches Easy to do the needful for them. He being a nice soul couldn’t say no to them and goes to any extreme to find the truth and resolve the mystery.

Little Green and Little Scarlet are a couple of other novels written by Walter Mosley. Both these mystery fiction novels are from the Easy Rawlins novel series by the author. You must check them out, in case such genre and a writer of Walter Mosley magnitude inspires you to.


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Bad Boy Brawly Brown

Little Scarlet


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