Thalia Book Club

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The book is another one of Stephen Kings’ masterpieces. He very skillfully has described once again horror in a new way. No doubt the story is new but it shares the same elements for which one is mentally prepared whenever he starts to explore the creation of Stephen Kings. The story has common elements but described in a unique way.  The love is described in a completely new way and also the effects of temptations in human life.

The story also shares a political aspect as well and King has inculcated in it his views about American politics as well which is a new thing when we compare it with the rest of Stephen’s work. The write has finally come out of his dark tower and has started writing something that is less fictional and has a concrete connection with the real world, especially his native land. The book also discusses Lisey’s  story. The new technique that the writer has adopted in this book is discussion form.

Thalia Book Club

The whole book is in the form of a discussion between Stephen and two other characters. The question and answer session bring out the clear thinking of Stephen King about the American politics and he even presents his views about the American president as well. The way temptation is described is wonderful as it is one the most important aspect of each of Stephen’s work. The temptation is the main element that forces us to delve deeper into something and most of the time this element of temptation whether it is the temptation of love or power it leads one towards madness or complete ignorance of the world or living beings around him. With this book, the writer no doubt has started a new chapter in his career that is related to politics and thus the readers can expect much more from him in the coming years related to the politics of America and also its influence on the rest of the world as well.     

You may enjoy Stephen King’s other work including The Stand and The Dark Tower I if you are looking for more thrillers, fictions and horror adventures.

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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Thalia Book Club Lisey's Story By Stephen King - 1
  • 03. Thalia Book Club Lisey's Story By Stephen King - 2
  • 04. Thalia Book Club Lisey's Story By Stephen King - 3
  • 05. Thalia Book Club Lisey's Story By Stephen King - 4

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