The Apocalypse Renegades

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The author Peter Meredith is a good one when it comes to writing highly tempting and intriguing novels. The Dead Eye Hunt (A Post Apocalypse Adventure) and The Apocalypse Fugitives novels have done well for the writer and all his fans and followers. They are highly recommended if you are looking to have a first-time encounter with the archives of Peter Meredith.

The Apocalypse Renegades is the 5th chapter in The Undead World novel series. The book is a fantastic contemporary science fiction fantasy.

Nothing in the New Undead World is simple anymore. Making tea, crossing a road, meeting new people could all turn into a deadly thing and that too in just a twitch of an eye. For the Renegades, there is just one thing that they could simply say and that is “dying”.

The Apocalypse Renegades

Surrounded by enemies and with no help from the Captain Grey being imprisoned, they flee while escaping one trap and into another. However, the wits Jillybean and the steadfast leadership of leadership would definitely help to keep them alive. But, would that all be enough or not? Definitely not by a long shot. They need to dig deep and also to take the available wild chances in order to stay out of the River King’s clutches. They also need to go further in order to find out some hard way that there are some definite consequence on rolling the dice set against the evil

Basil Sands continue to narrate this chapter as well just a she has been doing in all the prior chapters of the series. Fans find his voice absolutely adoring and his expression is just next to perfect.


The Apocalypse Fugitives

The Apocalypse Exile


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