The Demon King

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The Demon King – A Seven Realms Novel

This was a wonderful fantasy with memorable well developed characters who have their own unique personalities. There is a lot of time shaping the world and politics of the setting. The plot is constructed of several subplots that will at some point diverge together. It is fast paced and still able to deliver intimacy with the characters. I thought of it as a combination of Aladen and Eragon. This book 1 does not end at all but just sets up and stops. You are forced to seek out the next book immediately. I recommend to anyone who enjoys a great fantasy.

I alternated between reading and listening to this series opener. Excellent narration by Carol Monda. This is YA high fantasy with castles, queens, clans, dark wizards, and a whisper of romance. At the author’s website, there’s a map and a list of characters, etc.
The story is told in 3rd person POV, hopping from Han to Raisa. I think the POV changed at the beginning of each chapter.

Despite some vivid scenes, I found this story fairly predictable and frequently frustrating — but eventually promising. I will read the sequel. People say the books get better and better.

Some vivid imagery, some witty dialogue, several suspenseful scenes, brief but tight battles, bloody murder, a little humor, and some heartrendingly poignant moments balanced by heartwarmingly loyal friendship. There’s court intrigue, dangerous enchantments, ancient amulets of great power, and a deep dark secret spanning a thousand years.

What’s not to like? Info dumping — too much boring expositional narrative, especially in the beginning — and too much internal dialogue for me. This slowed the pace for far too long.

The Demon King

Also, I couldn’t get a handle on the characters! They breach. Several supposedly clever characters were unbelievably slow to catch on. Furthermore, a supposedly benevolent character caused a lifetime of family distrust and cruel suffering. Then there’s the Demonai warriors. A good warrior is INTELLIGENT, not a biased bigot with a blade. Chima describes them as a LEGENDARY warrior clan — yet she depicts them as murderous race-haters — yet she clearly wants me to like Averill the Demonai Lord, and Elena, the matriarch of the clan? Also, the part about the twin babies? Who would handle that situation and its aftermath with such blinded bias, yet be described as wise? Ugh.

That said, the story caught my attention enough to read the sequel. I want to find out how the characters come together at this academy for wizards and warriors. I want to watch them bond together in a common goal (assuming they do). I am fairly interested in Han, Fire Dancer, Princess Raisa, and Amon, her guardian. I want to hear more about Amon’s cadet pack of Gray Wolves. I want to see all these young adults come into their own power and set the corrupt kingdom to rights.


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