The Last Human

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The concept of humans going extinct remerges in this novel which is designed for the kids who love fiction. Many members of the old generation think it is easy to write fictional stories because nothing is real but this is where writing such stories become tough. The author has to design a world that does not exist so the whole thing is the creation of his imagination and nothing else. Lee Bacon presents the world where humans don’t exist anymore as the world is governed by robots that are happy that the human race has finally perished. No bloodshed and war are to be seen in this utopia and every robot lives in complete harmony. Even things like pollution are non-existent on earth.

The Last Human

A young robot named XR lives a peaceful life until the day it meets a human girl. After meeting the human girl the thoughts of the robot for the humans change and it starts liking the human girl. XR knows that it is asking for trouble by helping the girl but the violation of law is finally committed. Along with the girl and some other robots, the team starts a search for the truth about the lost human race which once ruled all over the earth. Michael Crouch’s voice will not let you go to sleep during the story; the voice of the narrator is sharp and is more alert. Interview with the Robot and The Mystery of Alice were amazing books and this book also joins the list. All the works of the author have been different from the usual routine things. He paints new worlds for the children in which they can delve and go deep into new mysteries.


Faulty Prophet

Stolen Songbird


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 1 - The Last Human
  • 03. 2 - The Last Human
  • 04. 3 - The Last Human
  • 05. 4 - The Last Human
  • 06. 5 - The Last Human

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