Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Book 4

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Young Lusam knows what he is capable of and knows the true capabilities of his enemies but the one thing that troubles his mind is his origin. He wants to know about himself more and more and in the third part Lusam made another pinching discovery i.e his mother is still alive. Lord Zelroth his deadliest enemy has his mother encaged in his castle.

Again the issue that is more troubling is the word “Why”. Lusam wants to know the truth behind this whole enmity and for this he is not ready to risk the life of those he loves. Thus a single handed mission is launched making him isolated from his friends that have been with him in his voyage from the first step. This attitude of his separates him from those he could once trust and the gang also waits for him in heartbroken condition.

Lusam The Dragon Mage Wars, Book 4

Lord Zelroth’s plan are far deadlier than anyone could have expected, he wants to unleash an evil so deadly that things would go out of his hands as well. Still the madly active and enraged tyrant shows readiness towards the opening of the Great Rift that would unleash hell of the earth once again. The Netherworld monsters and Aamon the so called god would be roaming the surface of the earth once again.

The time has come for Lusam to take the final decision. Dean Cadman has made Lusam look mature this time, there is a man in him emerging and the boyish nature is now gone. He is more sensible and takes more calculated steps rather than rash decisions. Alex Wyndham is again in narration so this department remains unchanged like ever.


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