The Lost Supernova

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Just when Captain Maddox think that he has become successful in saving the earth and its people another calamity falls on the entire solar system. Vaughn Heppner has surely given no leisure time to the man since the very beginning of the series. He has participated in battles that nearly took his head off and remained energetic by dreaming of the happy days he once had in the past. Now at this point after years of voyage in outer space his crew is everything for him, it’s like a one big family for him.

The Lost Supernova

In The Lost Star Gate he was the only one who wanted to save his team mates too in the mission that was suicidal from the start. This story is a different chapter not associated with the swarm. The opening is with the description of the Androids that used to wander among the humans but no one knew about their existence and never bothered to investigate until the day they came out of the shackles. An alien changed something in the main circuit of the Androids and they left the human society after getting rid of their human masks.

They reached a destroyed planet where they started creating weapons of mass destruction and one thing is clear that they are coming for the earth sooner or later. Maddox can help but his ship is not in a condition to return back in time. Another thriller narrated by Mark Boyett who really knows his job now and is perfect in it in all respects. This novel is a new phase given to the series that was supposed to be ending with the end of the swarm.


The Lost Star Gate

The Lost Swarm


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