The Passenger

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The year is 1980 when Bobby Western is called to the place where the plane crashed. It was three in the morning so Bobby had no time to stretch up a little. He just put on his suit and jumped straight into the dark water. It was his dive light that was helping him to see the crashed plane in the dark water. The passengers were still tied to their seats with the help of seatbelts.

Nobody knew what happened to the plane or what the reason for the crash was and now everyone wanted to get out of this mess quickly. When the passengers were brought out of the plane, Bobby came to know that one of the passengers was missing and with him, the flight bag of the pilot and the black box was also missing.

The Passenger

There was something suspicious about the whole scene and Bobby decides to look into the matter a little more closely. Cormac McCarthy is in a habit of writing such adventurous stories, All the Pretty Horses could be considered as one of the examples in this regard. This is a historical fiction that MacLeod Andrews and Julia Whelan have narrated.

The story goes decade in the past when the use of technology was not that common. Bobby is seen trying to get to the core of the matter on his own because no one seems to be helping him. The Road is another book that can be the next target of the fans. These books will keep the listeners active and alert because there is a lot of stuff that is going on in different directions.


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