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The Perfect Hope

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The Perfect Hope is the 3rd and last book in the Inn BoonsBoro trilogy. It is excellently written by Nora Roberts, whose name is not strange for the book lovers, especially in fiction. It is a contemporary romance novel with an extremely thoughtful story. MacLeod Andrews just like the other novels of this trilogy has once again entrusted the narrator’s role and he had done full justice with it.

Ryder among all the Montgomery brothers is the toughest to figure out. He is as tough as nails from the outside and probably not that soft in the underneath. He is very unsociable and surly as well. But, when he manages to straps over a tool belt, no woman in this world could resist his sexy boastfulness.

The Perfect Hope

As an ex-manager of a hotel in D. C., Hope is very much used to glamor and excitement. But, this doesn’t mean at all that she is not able to appreciate the joys and fun of living in a small town. She is exactly where she has ever wanted to be, except for the love thing in her life. The only interaction of Hope with an opposite gender has been with the annoying Ryder only, who always used to get well under her skin. No one still could deny the electricity that is a thing, which crackles in between them.

Nora Roberts for her fans has got a great variety of novels, where all of them are filled with an intense story, great characters and amazing performances. Northern Lights and The Collector are the novels from Nora Roberts that deserves a chance to be listened in their audio book formats.


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