The Summoning

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Evil is rising at the beginning of the novel and the people of Rio Verde have no hero that can save them from the upcoming evil. Evil which is about to cover the land this time has no weakness and once it starts dominating then it would be all over for the innocent people of the land. No one has ever defeated such an evil and even facing it can give the brave men a heart attack.

The Summoning

Bentley Little takes a lot of time to induce horror in the scenes after which the author starts the real tale. At first there are dead bodies which have no blood inside them, it seems someone has sucked their blood out even the last drop. Brad Woods is given the task to investigate the things attached to the dead body but he admits that he has not seen such a case before. Brad’s horrified condition can be noticed through the narration by John Pirhalla.

Sue Wing is the only one who can provide some clue about these terrible happenings but she is not acting normal. She has started acting weird since the first dead body appeared on the scene. She repeats different myths that she heard perhaps from her grandmother but they don’t make any sense according to people like Rich Carter. Rich Carter thinks that people are making things up in fear because there is no such thing as a vampire.

Gloria and The Policy type of freak scenes appear later in this tale. The weird situations not only horrify Rich Carter but also make him believe that there is something dark in the town.





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