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Catherine lives in the world which is actually governed by magic and fate together. This means that an innocent girl cannot think of fulfilling her dreams at all. Catherine’s mother thinks that she is a lucky girl because the king has his eyes set on her thus she can easily emerge as the new queen of the land. Ruling the Wonderland is not something which Catherine wants because she has other dreams and plans which she wants to fulfil.


From a very early age the girl has an interest in baking and she wants to open a bakery in the area with her best friend. Her mother feels disgusted of her plans about her future life as she wants to see Catherine rising up and up. For a long time this little battle continues in this novel by Marissa Meyer and then finally the scene shifts.

Catherine’s interest gets diverted but once again her attention is not focused on the king rather she gets interested in Jest i.e the court joker. Jest’s personality appeals her because there is a mysterious feeling linked to it. Soon both fall in love right under the nose of the king and throughout the two are well aware that they are actually playing with fire.

It is the call of destiny that unites these two and gaining what they desire is not easy at all. Cress and Winter were also full of destiny related things so it is not something new for the old fans. The author keep on adding such things to the stories. Rebecca Soler’s voice for narration of this book too was not a surprise because she has served the fans of such books a lot.



The Summoning


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