The Templars

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The Templars tells the epic story of the spectacular fall and rise of the Holy Warriors of God. Dan Jones is the writer of this book. It is a nonfictional book based on the military history. Dan Jones himself has done the narration f this novel which makes it more interesting for the listeners, who never find even a single dull moment throughout the 15 hours of its narration.

This chapter take us back to the year 1119 in Jerusalem. A small number of knights are looking for a purpose in the violent repercussion of the First Crusade. They all decided unanimously to set up a totally new order now.

These all are actually the first group f Knights of Templar, which is actually a band of top class warriors only, who are all set to give their lives in order to protect the Christian pilgrims, coming to the Holy land of Jerusalem.

The Templars

Over the period of next 2 centuries, the Templars would go on to become the most influential religious order of that time of the world. All their legends have truly inspired the ardent conjectures, which existed ever since. But who were all of them and what has happened actually? The author Dan Jones goes beyond all the speculations to bring up the facts from the matter.

Dan Jones is a quality nonfictional writer. His go to topics are mostly related with History/ European History/ Military and Wars etc. The good thing about his writing is his quality research and he has never looked to distort any facts from the history. Rather, he support things with evidence and try to give all perspectives. A couple of his quality nonfictional books on history topics is The Wars of the Roses and Crusaders.




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