Thrawn: Treason

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Timothy Zahn is an accomplished American writer with many books written on the science fiction fantasy genre. The Thrawn Series is his most renowned work to date. The subject novel, Thrawn: treason is the 3rd chapter of the Star Wars: Thrawn novel series. Apart from this, he has also published multiple other series which are fantasy and science fiction novels. Some short fiction books have also been done by Timothy which were well received by the audience and critics. Timothy’s other considerable novels from the Thrawn series are Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy and Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars).

Marc Thompson is the performer of this audiobook. His performance was good and appreciated by the general audience and critics alike.

Thrawn: Treason

The promise that General Admiral Thrawn made to the Emperor was about serving the empire on the condition of Emperor to command his allegiance. This was what he expected from him in their first meeting. Since that time, Thrawn has always been the most effective instrument of the Emperor while pursuing its enemies to the boundaries of the known galaxy. But what Thrawn has become now as a weapon, the Emperor was dreaming of something extremely big and destructive.

The TIE defender program of Thrawn has halted now which is going in favor of the secret Death Star project of Director Krennic. Thrawn realized that the balance of power is measured in the Empire by a lot more than that of military acumen and tactical efficiency only.

The novel stood as the bestseller in the New York Times. It is the final book of the Thrawn trilogy and found to be quite impressive than the last book in the series.

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