Winter Born

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Different place and different story by Sherrilyn Kenyon, the good thing is that it is once again on the favorite topic of the fans i.e Were-Hunter wolf. Dante Pontis hates to be with his younger brothers because they remain out of control most of the time and bringing them to Atlanta is asking for trouble.

But Dante can do nothing about it because protecting these younger members is his duty and most important responsibility as the senior member of the clan. Journey appears to be full of boredom at first to Dante and then he collided with Pandora who was running from her enemies. Pandora the pantherswan has landed on earth from the future and she was not expecting a werewolf in this part of time.

Winter Born

Dante’s presence proves a blessing for her as she was looking for such a hero that can help her against her accursed enemies. Again in action the author has patched a love story which makes it more interesting for the teenagers. The two extraordinary creatures meet each other when they were least expecting and their bond is made as if it was their fate since the beginning of time. Night Pleasures and Acheron will make a nice pair with this novel if you want to continue with Sherrilyn Kenyon for the night.

Fred Berman presents a matchless tone in the love at first sight scenes and the narration grips the listener like a strong shackle. With your eyes close you can feel the two meeting each by just listening to the voice of the narrator which has a feel and a magnetic quality in it.


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  • 01. welcome
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