Monstrous Regiment

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Discworld has gone through different phases and now it is back to the war time and things are going to get messy. The world faces a shortage of young men because the youth has gone to the battlefield for a longtime and in their absence it is the ladies who are taking care of the business.

Things however are not easy for Polly Perks whose brother has gone to the war and in his absence she has to take care of the family business i.e running an inn known as The Duchess.

Running the place was never tough for Polly but the law of the land stands in her way, according to it a female cannot run an inn. So Polly instead of giving up goes in search of her brother but then she is told that she does not have any place in the men’s army as well.

Monstrous Regiment

The girl changes her appearance and enters the army unnoticed, at first she had the fear in her mind that she could be recognized by the sergeant but that never happened.

Everything proved a piece of cake for her but that was the first step. Soon she finds herself among a vampire, a zombie and a troll which means that nearly every member of the squad is keeping a secret.

Terry Pratchett brings fiction in the war and along with it there is suspense because we don’t know why all the strange creatures have gathered on the same spot. Stephen Briggs narrates with the same command that was observed in The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents and The Wee Free Men only this time the story is about war in which humans are included.

It is pure enjoyment for the fans that have been associated to the Discworld for a decade.


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