A Hat Full of Sky


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    Tiffany of the The Wee Free Men is back for another episode, the girl had the vigor to accomplish the impossible and that’s why she fought with her enemy with a frying pan in hand.

    Fight was never hers but she was dragged into it and then later she refused to leave the battleground. After that experience her wish to emerge as a witch continues to forces her to get more indulged in the world of magic. Terry Pratchett makes things tougher for Tiffany by introducing the nanny goat.

    Tiffany thought that the craze for magic would lead her in the dungeons of hell, but she never thought that she would be given the charge to take care of the stupid nanny goat who listens to no one. In the later stages the new emerging witch comes to know of the true powers of the nanny goat. Tough situations are present in the novel every now and then but most of the part is full of fun just like the previous part linked to Tiffany’s adventure.

    A Hat Full of Sky

    This is what Terry does after a few parts like Monstrous Regiment the author comes to the comic path so that the audience can laugh out loud for a while. Action never reaches the point where it becomes scary for the children who also like to listen to this fictional series.

    Stephen Briggs too once again changes mode for the narration for this part and becomes less serious. This is because the story is for a different audience that likes to laugh on crazy things such as the presentation of the Wee Free Men and a goat.


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