Investing for Beginners

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Many people want to choose the field of business and the quickest way to rise is to invest in the Stock Market but it is also the quickest way to lose money. If a person is not investing in the right way and at the right time then he is surely going to have a hard time in the future.

This creation by George Doros can act as a beautiful guide for all those people who want to start as a fresh one. After listening to this book narrated by Keith A. Bailey and Eric LaCord, a person will surely be able to relax in life because his money will be toiling hard for his comfort. It is a routine with the average people that they always wish for things which they cannot have and they are always trying for them. Most of the time when they fail to get those things they just become jealous of all others who enjoy those luxuries of life.

Investing for Beginners

According to the author, it is a bad thing, first of all, you should keep this thing in mind that hard work will not always give you money according to your needs. You got to use your brain as well for the earning purpose and try to make a flow that can last forever.

Flow can only be made when you put your money at work and then you can relax in bed afterward. It is an easier book in comparison to Blockchain & Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology. The language and also the examples are much easier to understand even by a common man who has no proper sense of business can understand everything present in the book. Also, an average man can understand through this book that how rich people are always in a happy mood, and though they are not working hard still they can afford all the luxuries of life.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 01 - Investing for Beginners
  • 03. 02 - Investing for Beginners
  • 04. 03 - Investing for Beginners
  • 05. 04 - Investing for Beginners
  • 06. 05 - Investing for Beginners
  • 07. 06 - Investing for Beginners
  • 08. 07 - Investing for Beginners
  • 09. 08 - Investing for Beginners
  • 10. 09 - Investing for Beginners

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