Wolf’s Cross (Wolfbreed #2)

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S.A. Swann gives a new dimension to the world of werewolves where they are the one who is in a troubled state because of the humans who are bound to kill them at any rate even when they are not a threat to the human world anymore. The story does not start from the werewolf attacks or other such things that usually happen in stories that contain horrifying beasts rather we meet a lovely girl Maria who is noble and gentle in her habits and possesses a nice personality.

Wolf’s Cross (Wolfbreed #2)

She is raised by her father who married another woman after the death of her mother that is what she is told right from her childhood. The presentation of  Maria is quite beautiful because even when we are not told about her true identity we fell that there is something fishy about the girl who wears a charm of silver around her neck all the time and does not meet a lot of people even in the fortress in which she works for a lord. It is the confrontation of Maria with a Teutonic knight that she comes to know about her true identity that she too was a werewolf and the reason she has been able to control herself from becoming a monster is the silver crucifix that she wears all the time given to her by her father as far as she remembers it.

The writer slowly takes us into the demon world and then we along with Maria meet the Wolfbreed who are preparing to take revenge from the human world. Grover Gardner has done a splendid job in this second part of the wolf breed series by narrating the story in an appealing manner. Tombland (Shardlake Book 7) – C J Sansom, Mystic Caravan ~ Books 1-6 – Amanda M. Lee and  Collector ~ Books 1-3 – Dot Hutchison are also some good ones for novel readers.


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