3 Truths and a Lie

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Facing crimes has been D.D. Warren’s life but each crime and the criminal behind lead her to a new dimension that tests her mental as well as physical strength. The more she goes through the grind the stronger she becomes. Lisa Gardner brings to us suspense and thrilling story in the voice of Kirsten Potter who has become a permanent part of the series now. This is the second time we see a short story in the series the previous one The 7th Month in which the writer told about D.D. Warren’s pregnant situation.

3 Truths and a Lie

This too is a story that is a little side track stuff that Warren does. In the first one she was at a movie shoot and this time she goes to a class of thriller writers in order to tell about the actual police work on the crime scenes. The writers want to know the true emotions in those situations so that they can garnish their stories in a better way. It was just a fifty minutes class but the master detective starts telling the story which attracts everyone and no one even turn a hair as long as the story continues.

The case that she selects takes the story to the motel rooms and tells the listeners about the abuses of the drugs. The visit to the prostitute house is the most terrifying phenomena as she narrates the dark and inhuman aspects of life. The story is short but effective though there is no thriller because we know that nothing is happening at present it was just an old incident that Warren survived successfully. The emotions however really provide the much needed thing to the listeners.


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