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Audiobooks For You!

Persuasion By: Jane Austen

Jane Austen is a British English novelist. She is primarily known for her six significant novels. Those actually interpret, comment and critique upon the British landed gentry right at the end of the eighteenth century. The plot of Jane Austen novels usually explore the dynamics and the dependence of women on marriage. This dependence is in the pursuit of promising communal standing and also the financial security. She is definitely a big name in British literature in the 19th century and arguably the best English novelist from Britain.

If you are looking for more top novels from the author, then you have great choice to choose from. The recommended novels that are written from the novelist are Jane Austen – The Complete Novels and Pride and Prejudice. Both are epic classic novels with a women-centric story that you would definitely cherish and admire.

Persuasion is a fine classic novel from Jane Austen. The narration of this 8 hours long novel is given by Mary Sarah. She had a singing background and have written many songs as well She later on developed great interest in voice over and narration performances for novels. Fr the Persuasion novel specifically, she made the entire novel sound really good. Her tonal quality and expression is beyond comprehension.


The novel has an extremely emotional love story. The book is dominated by signature with and the ironic style of narration associated with Jane Austen. This is also the last completed novel by the author. The novel was completed and published in 1816.

Jane Austen is a big name in British Literature. Not only the subject novel, but all other books from the author are absolute gold.


Comedy in a Minor Key

Vanity Fair


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