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Audiobooks For You!

Instinct is a suspenseful mystery-thriller novel. It is the first book in the Instinct novel series. The author of this book is James Patterson and Howard Roughan. James Patterson made a good name for himself through his stunning mystery thrillers and other fiction novels. If you want to experience that then The President’s Daughter book of the author should be tried. The Run, Rose, Run book of the author will offer you a different but equally enjoyable experience.

The audio narration of this book is done by Edoardo Ballerini. He added a lot of enjoyment to the listening of this book.

Dr. Dylan had a comprehensive book written on criminal behavior. He was the bestseller and also an expert on the subject matter. Then, a copy of his book was discovered at a crime scene. It had a threatening message written over it, which was apparently from the killer. It seemed that someone was taking notes from his book.


Elizabeth Needham was a brilliant detective in NYPD. She was in charge of the case and also recruited Dr. Dylan to help with the investigation. This time, a souvenir was left by the killer at the crime scene, which was a playing card. Then there was another murder and another card found. Dr. Dylan suspected that those cards left behind at the crime scene were not signatures of the killer. They were a deadly hint which was pointing towards the next crime or the victim.

This one is a typical James Patterson book with the crime, mystery, and thrill you would expect in his books. Edoardo made this an even better experience with his phenomenal performance.


The President’s Daughter



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