The Romanoff Jewels

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The story full of suspense and action is no doubt one of Maxwell Grant’s best, the suspense continues till the end and the whole thing is knit and arranged. The confrontation of the master of darkness with the Espionage is wonderfully told and we as readers for the first time come to know about the reality or the truth that is behind the Shadow’s fire opal ring, a ring that is so priceless that it cannot be matched with any of the riches of the world.

The ring mysteriously is always found on the third finger of his left hand and it never leaves his sight no matter how much busy he is in any tough routine or affair of life. The novel unmasks several things at the same time by keeping the suspense and the action at its peak.  

The Romanoff Jewels

The novel reminds us about several novels of the same category by the same writer like The Shadow Unmasks: The Shadow (Grant) – Maxwell Grant, The Voodoo Master: The Shadow (Grant) – Maxwell Grant. These novels to have suspense and action in plenty like “The Romanoff Jewels”. The secret about the jewel also reveals in high drama and raise our interest up to the maximum. There are more than one narrator used in the novel. Narrators like Richard Ferrone, Kevin Pariseau, Victor Bevine, Kevin T. Collins, Susannah Jones, Angelo Di Loreto, Marc Vietor, L J Ganser have played a great role in the narration department and all have portrayed the characters well with the help of their voices.

The evil forces and their motives also remain hidden up to the climax and thus it becomes a bit tough for us to decide between the good and evil characters of the novel as their implications are not revealed all of a sudden.


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