After the Monsoon

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After the Monsoon, An Ernst Grip Novel by Robert Karjel is probably the best mystery novel that you would witness in a while. It has some great suspense, which naturally builds from the start and gradually ends on a fantastic end to the tale. The narration of this novel is given by David Colacci.

A Lt. from Swedish Army was found dead in a shooting range within the desert. Was it just an unfortunate thing or was there something hidden behind this death? This was the mystery of this novel to be unveiled further. An agent from the Swedish police, Ernest Grip is deployed to Africa to find the truth. Once he is in the desert ten it doesn’t took long for him to realize that he is all on his own there. Nobody there wanted him to snoop around, especially the CIA station in the U.S. Embassy in Africa. This was not a surprise at all. Especially, when the transport planes of the army were leaving the base in Africa with untraceable pallets filled with lots and lots of cash.

After the Monsoon

The investigation carried by Grip was getting more and more complicated especially due to another horrific situation. Now, the Somali pirates kidnapped a rich Swedish family during their lifetime adventure. This was getting very challenging for Grip. He wonders as the Swedish family is so rich, so why is there nobody behind to pay the ransom. And to save the innocent family?

My Name is N  and After the Monsoon are other appreciable mystery novels by Robert Karjel. You must check them out to find the best mystery novels and to give yourself a great chance of entertainment.



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