Algorithms to Live By

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The algorithm is not a new word for us as it is used in mathematics and computer many times. Many of those who have some attachment to these two subjects may be able to understand the theory of Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths in a better way. The two are experts in the subjects like computer and psychology that’s why they have used this way of explaining their point of view to the general public. Together the two authors preach the technique of dealing with problems and organizing different things in the mind.

Our mind, according to these two authors is like a computer and it faces all those problems that a computer confronts during its work. So the best way to solve our problems is to follow the pattern of the computer. When we host too many problems in our mind they create a mess in our mind and the processing speed gets slow because of all this. Like a computer, our mind also possesses certain limits and it cannot go beyond them so don’t waste time on those things which are out of your limits.

Algorithms to Live By

Leave such things and then try to shift to other things that can be solved quickly. Like The Alignment Problem and The Most Human Human, the book solves almost all of the human problems in a simple way. From common problems of everyday life to complex and serious ones, this book has a solution to everything if it is observed more accurately. Come with a tired mind and this book narrated by Brain Christian can assure that you will leave as light as a feather after listening to it.


The Tipping Point

The Alignment Problem


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