Arguing with Idiots



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    Arguing with Idiots is a book about the history of America. It is written by Glenn Beck. He is an excellent author of nonfiction books mainly who has done a great job in motivating Americans to think about a better future for the next generations. You will find him at his best in The Great Reset book. Being George Washington is his memoir about the great man which will also inspire you a lot.

    The audio narration of Arguing with Idiots is done by Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, and Steve ‘Stu’ Burguiere. It is a well-narrated book and everything about that was in order.

    The author in this book seemed to have stumbled upon the great formula which is needed to win any argument. We are talking here about the arguments which have people with small minds and big mouths. It is all about knowing the facts about which you are arguing. You will find this book full of such stuff.

    Arguing with Idiots

    The next time when any of your idiot friends approach you and say how gun control could limit gun violence then you need to tell them all about the handgun ban in England. When you tell them that the effective healthcare system of the United Kingdom should be copied then you will be able to recount plenty of dismaying facts that have been listened to several times here.

    Moreover, when an idiot also tells you about the skyrocketing pricing of vegetables here without the illegal workers then there is a lot more to come as a counter-argument. The fact is that the elimination of the illegal workers in the country would lead us to spend only $8 extra every year to produce those edibles.

    Everything shared in this book is backed with facts. The book is not just informative but it is entertaining too. Glenn Beck knows very well how the audience should be engaged and he has done that pretty well in this book.

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