Assassin’s Quest

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Assassin’s Quest is the ultimate novel in the Farseer trilogy. It is the third chapter in Realms of the Elderlings saga. The writer behind this magnificent series is Robin Hobb who is excellent with her science-fictional fantasy novels and Assassin’s Quest is one of them. A few other notable novels from the author are Dragon Keeper and The Farseer: Assassin’s Apprentice.

Paul Boehmer is the narrator of Assassin’s Quest. The narrator already gained the good trust of his followers in the first two novels of the trilogy and gave another sensational performance in Assassin’s Quest.

Assassin's Quest

Fitz here is seen just about finding out the real truth that lies behind the Fool’s prophecy. He has foiled the Regal’s attempt once more to get rid of him, after having been revivified from his deadly tortures in the Regal’s dungeons. Fitz now back in his very own body has started the slow and painful process of learning the behaviors of becoming a man again.

Under the guidance of the old King Shred’s Stablemaster, Burrich, Fitz is supposed to learn about the cast off the desolate but carefree approaches of the wolf. He must then penetrate the human world once again. It is a world where he finds himself to be completely alone and friendless.

The book overall is fantastic and it brought the Farseer trilogy to a fascinating end. However, it has been seen that the narrator pauses at two pints during the narration and tell that what is coming up next. This somehow destroys the excitement and should have been avoided. It is a highly recommended novel and you must read or listen to it in the chronological order to get the true essence of it.

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