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Jose Saramago won the Noble Prize because he sentimentally described human emotions. The author describes human miseries and hardships like none other; it is just like he has seen these things with his own eyes. The epidemic of White Blindness spreads in the town when the novel opens up initially. Although there has been no such epidemic in the past the author perhaps takes the help of the info which was there in the history books about other deadly epidemics the world has encountered.


White Blindness shows no mercy towards anyone and the government is left with one single solution i.e isolate the affected person from the rest of the society. The officials start dumping the contaminated ones like dead bodies and here a hero emerges to rescue those facing this deadly maniac. In the mental hospital where the victims of White Blindness are kept things start to get worse for everyone.

The hero takes command of the band of seven victims one of whom is a dog. Together they come out in the open world once again to face the cruelty of the world of which they were once a part. Jonathan Davis keeps a restricted voice when the story begins and later the sensation spice gets added up.

El Evangelio según Jesucristo [The Gospel According to Jesus Christ] and El Viaje del elefante [The Elephant’s Journey] also told us about the strange tales. But this one is linked to humans and their miserable state at the time of a deadly epidemic. No one has a cure or solution for the problem because of which everyone thinks of just running away from the situation.


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