Captain’s Fury

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Kate Reading’s narration and Jim Butcher’s writing has made the elements alive in a big way, the forces of nature are induced in the humans that they use according to their will. Alera not an ordinary land in any perspective, the people can make fire move with the twist of their fingers and the water too is tamed in such a way that it does not possess its own might.

Still the people of the land presented as supreme creatures are under threat because the enemy is far greater in power and number.

Perhaps according to many after listening to Academ’s Fury and Cursor’s Fury the main cause of this downfall is the arrogance that people of Alera had. They were proud of their powers or thought that those powers were ample to defend them whenever the need arise. At the same time the enemy was planning hard in a serious way checking all their strengths and keeping an eye on the weaknesses.

Captain's Fury

Tavi was not like the other people of the land because he never had the chance to enjoy the powers that the others possessed. Thus he changed his way of looking at thinks in order to prove his worth and thus at the time of need emerged with the strength of a hero.

Allies are now gone because all other nations know that Alera is falling and sooner or later the tragedy will hit the land with the extinction of the people who could govern the elements. Another episode of this unforgettable saga ends in a big way leaving room for more action and the conclusion is not yet visible.



Cursor’s Fury

Princeps’ Fury


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    1 thought on “Captain’s Fury”

    1. Great service.

      Just a shame:
      – the “30 second ad break” occasionally popping up is advertised at 30 seconds and not the 600 seconds it actually take for the site to count down from 30 – 0.
      – Page tends to need refresh after every 2nd ad break, which result in loss of current progress and therefore have to select chapter and rewind/forward more than what would be preferred.

      otherwise. Thank you for providing great service


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