Cause of Death-Scarpetta

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Patricia Cornwell is a brilliant writer when it comes to producing the best mystery thrillers. She manages to engage her audience throughout the length of her novels with some top quality suspense. Cause of death is a similar novel that put Patricia Cornwell in the league of the best writers in mystery thrillers. The book is chapter 7 of the Scarpetta novel series. A few other quality novels written by Patricia Cornwell on the same genre are Postmortem and Quantum: A Thriller.

J. Critt is the narrator of this chapter as well. The performance overall was satisfactory but could have been good if she had taken lesser pause sin between her narration.

Kay Scarpetta receives a very disturbing phone call when she was in a cottage in Virginia. The phone call was from the Chesapeake police and it was about the discovery of a dead body of a scuba diver deep in the murky waters of the Elizabeth River.

Cause of Death-Scarpetta

Police found Ted Eddings wallet there who was an investigative reporter. Scarpetta immediately ordered to completely rope off the crime scene and left alone until she reaches the spot. This was the time when a breathtaking investigation started and a lot of clues were found to take care of the murderer behind this crime. The audience would just love the lurid investigative details related to forensic science.

You will find this novel to be scary, mysterious, and funny all at the same time. And, this is the real beauty of this chapter and the way Patricia Cornwell has written it. The character of Scarpetta is once again at its very best and the audience just loved it.


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  • 01. welcome
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  • 14. Patricia Cornwell - Cause Of Death - 13 Of 14
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3 thoughts on “Cause of Death-Scarpetta”

  1. Once again, Patricia Cornwell has excelled herself with another brilliant and exciting thriller. I found it difficult to stop listening.

  2. Good afternoon

    I hereby clearly and definitely state that I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this intense book. Looking forward to listening to Book 8.

    Thanks so much for providing this service.


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