Cold Blooded

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After her retirement from police department, Jocelyn decided to setup her own private investigation office. Augustus Knox, a former homicide detective, has a serious case he hasn’t given up on solving, even when he knows he has few months to live on earth. A 17 years old teen was brutally killed 14 years ago during an evening run.

Knox then reaches out to Jocelyn to help him unravel the mystery behind the case. The case is very difficult to begin with. No one has any meaningful information about the incident or any trace, except Knox’s hunch about who the killer was.

Jocelyn has a wonderful idea, or so she thought. Her plan is to keep bait for the killer in order to lure him out.  But one thing about plans is they don’t always work out the way they were intended.

Cold Blooded

The premise of the story is a nice one, although it was a bit predictable at some point. All the characters are spot on, from Jocelyn down to her former partner.

Another important factor is the fact that the major characters have difficulties getting along with their personal life.  But they still managed to stay effective in their duties. Knox resorted to alcohol after losing his family while trying to solve the case. Jocelyn on the other hand has anger management issues that have caused her a lot. These all add so much credibility to the story.

The author Lisa Regan is a true master of thriller series. This Cold Blooded series has everything a detective novel should have – intrigues, suspense, excellent plots, interesting characters, and plenty of twists.

Because of the role the characters play and how they carry out their roles, they feel so real. It is the second book in the Jocelyn Rush series. And surely, it does follow the same intriguing and captivating pattern as the first installment.


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