Cyborg Assault

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 The novelists Vaughn Heppner has been seen and heard several times talking about his sheer love for writing. His dedication made him the undisputed king of the indie writing fraternity. If you want to check out more novels from the author then the best ones to consider are The Lost Starship and The Lost Swarm.

Cyborg Assault is the book 4 of the Doom Star novel series. The book is a beautiful contemporary science fiction novel series. In this audiobook, you will hear the voice of Ely Miles who was just about OK with his vocal performance.

Cyborg Assault

The brutal war has no extended till the Jupiter System. Just as the campaign engaging Mars comes to an end, the stealth capsules are then launched from the Neptune System. A few months later, they all glide into the Jovian Moons Confederation. The cyborgs came forward to initiate the phase one with the Homo sapiens. The Jovians are known for following the Dictates, which is an ideal philosophy where there is rule of rational. It must also be the place of the brutish labor and also of spirited fight.

Marten managed to get to the Jupiter System as part 1 of the cyborg campaign comes closer to its climax. Believing himself as completely safe, Marten gets inside the severest battle ever in his entire life. He is up against the fate of humankind that is completely dependent on his own choices to make.

The novel is a phenomenal tale of some stealth capsules, long range beams and survival of the best in the techno battle hell. You will definitely have a good time listening to the narration of this audiobook.


Battle Pod

Planet Wrecker


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