Dead Clown Barbecue (Short Stories)

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The book is a fun to have if you like Jeff strand’s work because it has twenty-nine short stories, new and old combined that make the book worth to have a go. Each one of the tales has a different flavor though they are all related to a ventriloquist dummy. The stories are full of horror and the tales have certainly hidden surprises as well that can creep you out in a moment.

The horror does not build slowly as it is observed in different stories and horror movies we get the spice right from the beginning this is also because it is book based on short stories thus not much development of the scenes is needed because of the short length the writer has to start the creepiness along with the story from the first word. There are haunted places, murders but not connected or related to mysteries that we have to solve as the story progresses.

Dead Clown Barbecue (Short Stories)

Another good thing about the book is that we can listen to it in sections because leaving a part or portion doesn’t mean that we have left the story incomplete. We can listen to a few short stories and then can leave the rest for some spare time. The thrilling action throughout makes our hair stand straight and murders are not actually murdered it is slaughtering that we observe by the evil dummy. The narration is just wonderful or we can say that it is out of this world. Andy Barker has done a terrific job as a skilled narrator was needed to narrate such a bundle of short stories compiled together as one whole.  House of Sand – Michael J. Sanford , Ugly – Margaret McHeyzer and Reciprocity (Breach #3) – K.I. Lynn.

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