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The Longevity Diet

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When it comes to dieting books, people read quite wide. These days, we don’t get easily impressed in dieting books and audios because most of them are similar in content, repeating the same advice over and over again. But people have gotten Valter Longo’s longevity diet an interesting one. The author actually dissected every aspect of healthy living and presented them in a simpler and understandable manner.

The narrator presented the audiobook really well, with simple explanations that would have been difficult to pass across to the audience. The segment that is loved the most is where the narrator talked about how some types of diet can trigger stem cells to rejuvenate multiple body organs to substantially reduce the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes.

The Longevity Diet

The Longevity Diet

 Most people understand that proper diet plays a very important role to significantly keep the body younger and extend the lifespan of any individual. But what people are confused about is the best diet for them. Dr. Walter’s explanation and presentation are definitely spot on and very easy to follow. With the periodic fasting-mimicking and daily eating plan presented in this audiobook, most people will definitely see an impressive result when it’s followed.  Most people also would also love the way Dr. Walter brought in realness and humor to a scientific subject. The explanation of the dieting processes makes it easier to follow.

Scientific subjects are difficult to follow and comprehend, especially when it’s in form of an audio. But with this presentation, people find themselves captivated in every aspect till the end.  It is one book most people like listening to live a longer and happier life.

More books from the same author that you may want to listen to could be Eat Fat, Get Thin and The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.


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