Dolores Claiborne Audiobook

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Dolores Claiborne By Stephen King

This is one of the best Thriller written by Stephen King using the self-told version of a woman named Dolores Claiborne who have gotten caught as the culprit involved in the death of her elderly employer where she had been working for a long time.

Upon asking here about the circumstances that lead to the death of Vera who was her employer, she started to tell her life story about how she escaped her hopeless married life and came here to work for Vera. She describes her fears, her thoughts and all of the circumstances that she had faced so far. She confesses what happened in her life all the way till the time when she came to Vera for a job and how Vera died due to an incident where she was not actually involved. She tells the life story in a gradual way so that the listener knows and misses nothing important.

Dolores Claiborne By Stephen King

The thriller writing style makes very tempting for the readers to keep them reading and the narration of the story is also done in a perfect way by Frances Sternhagen who has injected emotions and feeling with the voice given to the story.

Just like we know about Stephen King’s Misery, the dark half, and Rose Madder the listener would experience the pain and agony through which Dolores has been through all her life.  

The story is perfectly composed that offer suspense and thrill at the same time and keeps the listener engaged without any dull points.

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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 1
  • 03. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 2
  • 04. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 3
  • 05. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 4
  • 06. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 5
  • 07. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 6
  • 08. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 7
  • 09. Dolores Claiborne (Unabridged) - 8

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